When Does Baby Hair Grow Back After Falling Out?

How soon does baby hair grow back when it falls out? This is a question that many parents ask when their child starts to lose hair. It can be quite noticeable when they start to shed(which by the way is normal) and when the tiny hair returns, there may be some gaps in between. In this blog post, we will talk about when does baby hair grow back after falling out and what can you do to help your child with the process.

The Answer

The answer to when does baby hair grows back after falling out is around 4-6 months. Baby hair can fall out and it will return but this process takes a long time, especially in the case of African American children. Their hair follicles are large and their strands are naturally resistant.

Therefore, they take longer than other races/ethnicities to grow new hairs. Hair loss happens because our bodies create an entirely new strand every two years during childhood (and much more frequently as we age).

Baby hairs that fall out without any assistance or help from another person will start growing again three months after. This is because they don’t have as much strength and volume behind their strands but also because they haven’t yet developed cuticles.

This means there isn’t a protective layer around each strand like there is on adult hairs. As children get older, these layers develop more which makes the shafts even stronger. Babies still lack all of these features so keeping up on your child’s nutritional intake can really boost overall hair growth.

Please note that this blog post is intended to be used as a guideline only. The information included has been compiled from various medical providers and studies on when does baby hair grows back after falling out. Please consult with your child’s pediatrician before starting any new health regimen or treatment plan for them.

What is baby hair and what purpose does it serve?

Baby hair is usually fine compared to adult strands. It serves the same functions as our coarse, thick hairs but it just isn’t quite there yet in terms of strength and volume. Baby hair grows back at around the same time that their teeth start coming through. Around six months or so after birth (this can vary depending on your child’s growth).

Where does baby hair grow?

Hair starts growing everywhere once babies are about three months old. This includes eyebrows, eyelashes, facial fuzz, etc.

However, one area where you will notice a significant decrease/increase in density is on top of their head. If they happen to fall while standing up without support (and especially if they hit something solid). There may be noticeable patches in between their strands.

These areas can be very noticeable when they lose a lot of hair and it starts to grow back in. The end result is often referred to as “soft fuzzy” by parents with African American children, for example.

How many bald patches can the baby have?

As we mentioned before, there may be some gaps appearing on top of your child’s head after falling down or bumping into something hard (e.g., playing at home or outside). If you notice that this happens more than once and/or if the loss seems excessive compared to other days, speak with your pediatrician about getting tested for alopecia areata. This condition affects less than two percent of all but it does happen, especially in children.

What is the difference between baby hair and adult hair?

Baby hair has not yet made it to the final stage of development. Its shafts are still thin, which makes them much more vulnerable than their older counterparts. Especially when they fall out without any assistance or outside force (like bumping into something). Adult strands have a cuticle that coats around each strand while also protecting it from extreme damage like heat exposure, over-brushing, etc.

Baby hair does not have this coating so you will notice significantly less volume after falling out compared to what you can expect in adulthood. This means that your child’s locks may be thinner overall if many strands happen to break at once (e.g., during an illness). Because they won’t have as many strands available to replace the ones that came out.

What should you do if your child loses a lot of hair?

If your child loses more than usual, speak with your pediatrician about starting them on a vitamin regimen or supplement designed to help promote hair growth and overall health. In some cases, medications may be required. If so, this will need to be discussed directly with the doctor because we only want what is best for our children!

We recommend speaking with a general practitioner for a newborn and infants under one year of age. They can assess how much baby hair has fallen out and the severity of each case. If you notice bald patches with no hair growing back in between them, this may be an indicator of alopecia areata.

Tips for caring for baby’s hair to avoid future breakage

In addition to taking care of their overall health, there are a few tips you can use in order to avoid breakage. Try brushing baby’s hair at least once every other day and never brush when dry. This means that it is best to wet or dampen their strands with water before starting the process so they don’t get pulled out too much during brushing.

Also, be sure not to tug on your child’s locks while putting them into a ponytail because this could cause some serious damage. If you do need something like this for special occasions, try using soft scrunchies/ponytail holders instead which will allow little tension against each strand without causing any harm on the scalp (which includes pulling).


Baby hair loss can be a worry for any mother, but some part of it is natural so there’s no need to stress too much on it. In the end, it is hard to predict when the thick hair will grow back or if it ever will. However, there are some things parents can do to help their children feel confident and care for themselves while they wait. With a little patience from both kids and parents alike, this first phase of life should be manageable in time with no real lasting effects!

Ida Sorenson